Zeuge-related Ancestors

Following are the towns and some information about my ancestors. I have found the towns on maps. I would like to hear from people with knowledge of these towns and also the surnames of people. I would like to know where churches were located so I can find further information. I do not know occupations and I think they were peasants. Thank you. Zelda Zeuge Dubel rvdubel@msn.com

Scherrewischken, Kreis Angerapp, East Prussia (now Russia). Latitude 54 degrees 28 minutes North, Longitude 21 degrees 58 minutes East. Events there: (1) Birth of Ernestine Wilhelmine Kamar 8 Aug 1864, reference her ship manifest to USA in 1924. Note: She moved to Bad Bramstedt, Schleswig-Holstein, before 12 Apr 1884 and married Friedrich Wilhelm Zeuge (from Brandenburg) there.
Gumbinnen (now Kaliningrad, alternate names Killigkehmen and Gusev), Kreis Gumbinnen, East Prussia (now Russia). Latitude 54 degrees 35 minutes North, Longitude 22 degrees 12 minutes East. Events there: (1) Birth of Ernestine Wilhelmine Kamar 8 Aug 1864, reference her family’s Ahnenpass. Note: She moved to Bad Bramstedt, Schleswig-Holstein, before 12 Apr 1884 and married Friedrich Wilhelm Zeuge (from Brandenburg) there.
Bronisze (now Wittichsfelde) near Gurnen (Gorne), Kreis Goldap, East Prussia (now Russia). Latitude 54 degrees 17 minutes North, Longitude 22 degrees 27 minutes East. Events there: (1) Birth of Johann Friedrich Kamar 3 Apr 1828. Note: he moved to Ballethen before circa 1859 and married Amalie Strauss there. Then they moved from Ballethen before 1864 because their daughter Ernestine Wilhelmine Kamar was born 8 Aug 1864 in Scherrewischken or Gumbinnen.
Ballethen (now Baletken and/or Sadovoyne), near Darkehmen (Ozersk) and near Insterburg (Chernayakhovsk), Kreis Goldap, East Prussia (now Russia). Latitude 54 degrees 29 minutes North, Longitude 21 degrees 55 minutes East. Events there: (1) Birth of Amalie Strauss 28 Apr 1835; (2) Marriage of Amalie Strauss and Johann Friedrich Kamar circa 1859; (3) Marriage of Johann Camar and Karoline Kassing circa 1825; (4) Marriage of Ferdinand Strauss and Wilhelmine Lublitz circa 1830. (5) Look for births of Wilhelmine Lublitz ca 1815; Ferdinand Strauss ca 1815; Karoline Kassing ca 1800; Johann Camar ca 1800.
Allenstein (now Olsztyn, Kreis Allenstein, East Prussia (now Russia). Latitude 53 degrees 46 minutes North, Longitude 20 degrees 28 minutes East. Events there: (1) Death of Amalie Strauss who married Johann Friedrich Kamar, she died 1906.