Meiner Ururgro�vater, Hermann Heinrich Wortmann, war
in Melle-Oldendorf geborne an 2 Oct. 1828. Um Jahre
1846 Er ausgewandert nach Indiana. Die Wortmann
Familie jezt im Oldendorf wohnen, aber Hermann
Heinrich is nicht gefinden in ein Familie-verzeichnis
f�r dieser Zeit (Er ausgewandert). Hat jemand Rat f�r
My great-great grandfather, Hermann Heinrich Wortmann,
was born in Melle-Oldendorf on 2 October 1828. About
1846 he emigrated to Indiana. The Wortmann family
still lives in Oldendorf, but Hermann Heinrich is not
found in a family directory for the period (He
emigrated). Does anyone have advice or suggestions
for me?
Are you trying to trace Hermann Heinrich after he got to the U.S., or are you trying to make connections with his family in Germany? Maybe he is not in the family directory because he was from another family.
Hello Larry,
I have some WORTMANN far back in my ancestry. They came from Osnabrück,in
the vicinity of Hagen aTW, but branches could have easily migrated the 12 or so
miles to Melle. Here's what I have;
My 9XG Grandfather: Heinrich WORTMANN, b. ca 1550, probably in or near
Mentrup, Hagen, Osnabrück. He married Catharina ? ca 1583. Heinrich was
heir to a "half-farm" in Mentrup, probably called Hof Wortmann [just a guess].
My 8XG Grandfather: also namd Heinrich WORTMANN, b. ca 1584 in Mentrup. died
ca 1665 in Mentrup. He married Margareta FORSTMANN ca 1618, probably in Hagen.
Heinrich died in Mentrup ca 1665. Heinrich was heir to his father's farm.
My 7XG Grandmother: Anna Wortmann b. ca 1621 in Mentrup. She married
Gerhard Klostermeyer in Hagen ca 1642. Anna WORTMANN died in Hagen on 22 Mar
That's basically all I have on my WORTMANN's. A cousin and I shared the cost
of hiring a researcher, Alex Himmermann, in Hagen, and we didn't get any
information on other offspring of our direct ancestors. It might be worthwhile
to look into the area around Hagen for a possible connection to your ancestors.
Don Roddy
I have an Anna Catherina Wortmann - b. unknown - married to Johann Hermann Halmer b. 1677 d.1724 - on 31.01.1704 in Wellingholzhausen. Child Catharina.