Can someone possibly help me translate three German words?
Standesamtlich ---
Begraben ---
Getauft ---
Also, this sign in German genealogy?
ausserehelich? ---
Many thanks for your time and trouble!
Can someone possibly help me translate three German words?
Standesamtlich ---
Begraben ---
Getauft ---
Also, this sign in German genealogy?
ausserehelich? ---
Many thanks for your time and trouble!
Can someone possibly help me translate three German words?
Standesamtlich --- (getraut) Married in a civil wedding
Begraben --- Bury-burial-funeral
Getauft --- Baptized
Also, this sign in German genealogy?
o-o- sign of separated rings-Illegitimate union
ausserehelich? ---
Not sure of the blank one.
Many thanks for your time and trouble!
Hi Maureen,
Standesamtlich --- Civil Register (I think I'm not positive on this one)
Begraben --- Bury/Buried
Getauft --- Baptize/Baptized
Also, this sign in German genealogy?
o-o --- oo is the symbol for Marriage/Marriage
ausserehelich --- illegitimate
Hope this helps, I'm not fluent in the language so someone else may give you other and better answers.
Found the meaning of it.
ausserehelich? --- Out of wedlock
You did fine. Heide
I always use ... It is not a perfect
translation but you get the 'gist' of the word. I cut and paste German
language messages into the translator and it works 'ok'. I have used it to
convert English to German .. Not great, so I tell the person what I have
done so they do not think I am REALLY STUPID. :o)
Bonita Hillmer
From Google translator:
Civil --
Buried --
Baptized --
If you ever needs help, I'm a native speaker and teacher of German. Heide
Thanks so much Joel, Phyllis, Christine for your very speedy replies!
The answers were identical so I will call them a great match!
Thanks again!
Can someone possibly help me translate three German words?
Standesamtlich ---
Begraben ---
Getauft ---
Also, this sign in German genealogy?
ausserehelich? ---
Many thanks for your time and trouble!
Can someone possibly help me translate three German words?
Standesamtlich --- (getraut) Married in a civil wedding
Begraben --- Bury-burial-funeral
Getauft --- Baptized
Also, this sign in German genealogy?
o-o- sign of separated rings-Illegitimate union
ausserehelich? ---
Not sure of the blank one.
Many thanks for your time and trouble!
Heidi ... You are a dream. I wish you were close to Phoenix, AZ ... I have
purchased some books about the villages where my HILLMER's lived ... I pick
out a few words and head for the dictionary, but it is very slow going.
It's Heide - I live in Kingman, just below the Grand Canyon. If you ever go
to Vegas, you pass by me. please stop by. I was born in Hannover, know it
well. Let me know if you need help. Heide (which is Heather in German -
does Lueneburger Heide mean anything to you?)
Can I make some corrections?
ausserehelich? --- the word commonly used is unehlich. Unehlich is
stricly illegitimate. Ausserehelich can mean illegitimate but it also means
having sex with someone other than your married partner, LOL. Heide
Many thanks for your time and trouble!
where can a person buy books to do researching in Germany from.. I live in Illinois and getting to big cities for researching is out of the question any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi Deb,
Have you tried your nearest LDS Family History Center?
Don Roddy
----- Message from ---------
A German researcher should not be without "The German Research Companion" by
Shirley J. Riemer. It should be available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
Good hunting, Paul Scheele
thanks I shall check it out
Thanks for the tip, Bonita. I used to use Alta Vista translator the same way .... but my daughter took it off for some reason and I cannot get it to reinstall. Good to know there's another I can used at Google!