Wingerberg / kl. Hamberg

Hello together,

i´m looking for descants of following person:

Gerhard Wingerberg (kleine Hamberg) from Westerholte, Ankum, Germany.

a. Born round about 1841
b. Emmigrated 1875 to the United States
c. Died in age of 99

He had 2 daughters:

Elisabeth was married to a man with the surname Brooks. She died in age of
106 years.

Wilhelmine was married to a man with the surname Salzer. She died in age of
82 years.

Both died in the USA.

I´m looking forward to hear something from someone over the world.

Best Regards

Jan Timphaus

Hello Jan,

     I found this obituary which is about Harold Joseph Logan who died at
the age of 88 in Santa Barbara, California and is the son of Hugh Benedict
Logan and Wilhelmine Margaret Salzer. Perhaps this is a decendant of Gerard
Wingerberg. Here is the website--go down until you see Harold Joseph Logan:
