Hello Maren,
Regarding your "Windmuehlen" picture.
I would appreciate a copy of that.
I was born and grew up in Kreuzburg, Kr. Preussisch Eylau until the end
of 1947.
Kreuzburg is 28 km south of Koenigsberg.
Several times during the summer we would travel Sundays by train to Cranz
to frolic an the beautyful beach.
I have a contact that still travels to the area.
I will ask him to lookout for the Windmill or it's location.
However, I am sorry to say that it is highly unlikely that it would still
exist. Being
constructed out of wood it is more likely that it has been used up as
I made a 10 day bus trip through the area in 1996.
As much or more buildings have been torn down in the last 50 years than
destroyed during the fighting of the war.
Many thanks for the picture and much success in your search
Sig Matt