Hi Guys,

A very big thank you to all who assisted me with my recent request for
assistance re the above surnames.
After doing more research thru Google and other surname related sites with
no success I at this stage am to believe that the surname WIESNER must be
the correct way of spelling this surname.

Another area I wish to follow up with is the current day spelling of
Most data bases including Family Search use easy to read surname spelling
probably for research convenience.
What I am trying to explain is with the following notes;

Should all RUMMLER be typed as RÜMMLER;
Should all WEISS be typed as WEIß;
Should all SUESSMANN be typed as SÜßMANN;
Should all WUENDISCH be typed as WÜNDISCH
Should all FLEISSIG be typed as FLEIßIG
Should all BAUER be typed as BAÜR
Should all GRUENDER be typed as GRÜNDER
etc etc or can there be both variations.

The German language is very interesting but can be very complex,
particularly the Old German style.
Once again thanks to all who assisted me with my first query.
Regards Graeme Rummler.

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Fax; 07 5478 8293

Mitchell Park Bush Tucka Co on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia
is a producer of fine Australian Bush Foods.
ABN; 75 227 150 735

Graeme; List Administrator for Rummler and Rumler Lists at www.rootsweb.com
Rita; List Administrator for Rheinberger and Strettles Lists at www.rootsweb

The Australian & New Zealand Rumler surname was originally spelt as Rummler
from Reichenbach, Schlesien. Preußen.

Rummler is a variation of the Low German, Dutch and Flemish nickname Rommel
from Middle Low German Rummeln = To make a noise or create a disturbance.
It was used to describe the obstreperous person. Variations are Rommele,
Rommler, Rümmler, Rummel & Rummele etc etc.

Surnames of interest; Radeck; Weiss; Lampert; Schmidt; Schnell; Suessmann; Keller; Elter; Hippe; Wuendisch; Wiesner; Marx; Brendel; Fleissig; Hillgner; Heintz; Bauer; Gruender; Hoffmann.