Where is "Oxenburg", bitte

Hello List Members,

At long last, I may hve stumbled across a clue as to the origins of the last of my ancestors from Germany. All I've known thus far from several records was that this family originated from Hannover, which I've assumed to mean the Kingdom of Hannover. But now I've found the marriage record of my g-grandmother's brother, which indicates he was born in "Oxenburg". His obit says he was born near Hannover.

I find no Oxenburg in Germany, I only found a Ochsenberg in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Does anyone have any suggestions what "Oxenburg" could mean or where it may be?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Linda Kramer-Edwards

Hello Linda,

    There is an Osterberg just northwest of Hannover (straight east of
Newstadt). In the Wedemark area. People often write names as they hear
them. It's on mapquest.com if you want to see where it is.

Good luck,