Lester Dietterick asked:
I recently found on WikiTree a listing that showed one of my
direct-line ancestors as having been married in "Casters Parish Weller
(or Weiler), Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany" around 1680. Her name was Sophia
Ofener and she married Johann Peter Dietrich.
My question is: Where is Casters Parish Weller (or Weiler) located in
the state of Sachsen-Anhalt? I can't find it on any maps, either old or
new. Was its name changed? Did it become part of a larger area?
I would like to obtain any available church records of this marriage
and/or related events. Any help in locating this place and or relevant
records would be appreciated.
Lester Dietterick<<
Hello Lester,
I looked at that WikiTree you apparently refer to. The marriage for
which this place information is provided: "Casters Parish Weiler,
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany" is said to have been performed on February 5,
1713 between Johann Adam Meurer and Margaretha Diederich. Correct?
Apparently this place information was recorded in error, since there
definitely is no / nor ever was any place, named "Casters" (or similar)
in the area of today's German state Sachsen-Anhalt / Saxony-Anhalt or
any former area of that name.
Anyway, the place information also provides the name of the parish in
which the marriage is said to have been performed: Weiler.
Now, when you google for: Weiler (Ortsname) - you get this German
Wikipedia web site:
Scroll down this web site until you see the links for places named
"Weiler" in the German state "Rheinland-Pfalz" (Rhineland-Palatinate)
and explicitly notice the second one "Weiler (bei Mayen)" (Weiler near
Mayen) - click on this link and you end up here:
As you will find here Weiler (near Mayen) is a very longstanding
Catholic parish and their church is named: St. Kastor (Sankt Kastor -
Saint Castor)!!!!
I definitely trust that's the correct place where this marriage of
interest was performed and if it where me I would search there to gain
proven evidence.
What additionally supports my "theory" is that _all_ people involved
stem from the area around Mayen in Rhineland-Palatinate.
Hope that helps.
Vera Nagel