Where is Casters Parish Weller (or Weiler), Sachsen-Anhalt

Lester Dietterick asked:

I recently found on WikiTree a listing that showed one of my

direct-line ancestors as having been married in "Casters Parish Weller
(or Weiler), Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany" around 1680. Her name was Sophia
Ofener and she married Johann Peter Dietrich.

My question is: Where is Casters Parish Weller (or Weiler) located in
the state of Sachsen-Anhalt? I can't find it on any maps, either old or
new. Was its name changed? Did it become part of a larger area?

I would like to obtain any available church records of this marriage
and/or related events. Any help in locating this place and or relevant
records would be appreciated.

Lester Dietterick<<

Hello Lester,

I looked at that WikiTree you apparently refer to. The marriage for
which this place information is provided: "Casters Parish Weiler,
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany" is said to have been performed on February 5,
1713 between Johann Adam Meurer and Margaretha Diederich. Correct?

Apparently this place information was recorded in error, since there
definitely is no / nor ever was any place, named "Casters" (or similar)
in the area of today's German state Sachsen-Anhalt / Saxony-Anhalt or
any former area of that name.

Anyway, the place information also provides the name of the parish in
which the marriage is said to have been performed: Weiler.
Now, when you google for: Weiler (Ortsname) - you get this German
Wikipedia web site:

Scroll down this web site until you see the links for places named
"Weiler" in the German state "Rheinland-Pfalz" (Rhineland-Palatinate)
and explicitly notice the second one "Weiler (bei Mayen)" (Weiler near
Mayen) - click on this link and you end up here:

As you will find here Weiler (near Mayen) is a very longstanding
Catholic parish and their church is named: St. Kastor (Sankt Kastor -
Saint Castor)!!!!

I definitely trust that's the correct place where this marriage of
interest was performed and if it where me I would search there to gain
proven evidence.
What additionally supports my "theory" is that _all_ people involved
stem from the area around Mayen in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Hope that helps.

Vera Nagel

Hello Vera,

wow.. what a GREAT job !!

We are glad to have you on our G-P-L mailing list too and together with Ursula
you are a SUPER detective team !!
Thanks a lot for all the work you do !!

Greetings from Hackneyville, AL (where it is getting very cold tonight)

Wolf Zscheile


Thank you so very much for the info you included in your message. This really helps.

Lester Dietterick