My ancestor Johann Friedrich Wayman or Weyman married in London, England, in 1817. He was born in 1785 in Germany, possibly Hannover. He was a sugar baker. I have found a will in the Probate Court in London of Heinrich Weyman or Weiman of Ohlenste, Hannover, a sugar baker, who was living in the same small street in London as my ancestor when he died in 1815. His father was also Heinrich Weyman and he was living in Ohlenste in 1803 when he made his will.
I cannot find Ohlenste in Meyers or in current maps of Germany. Can anyone identify it please?
Peter Towey
Hallo Peter !
You wrote that the name of your ancestor was "Johann Friedrich Waymann". In
german the "way" is der "Weg" therefore I believe that the birthname ist
"Johann Friedrich Wegmann".
Possible you'll find his christining in the books of the St.
Willehadi-Kirche, Hinter der Kirche 10, 27711 Osterholz-Scharmbeck.
Much Success and many greetings from Hamburg.
If your Weyman's are indeed from Ohlenstedt, north of Osterholz-Scharmbeck,
the name you are looking for might be WEHMANN which is a name I know exists
in that area.
A man named Franz Stelljes has published several "Familienbuch's" for that
area which are compilations of church records for all of the families in
each parish. He has done one for Osterholz-Scharmbeck and I believe he has
just completed one for Hambergen which is probably the parish for
Ohlenstedt. You can try to contact Franz at He
may be able to look up whether any Wehmann's are there.
Good luck,
Paul Scheele
From: "Peter Towey" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 1:47 PM
Subject: [HN] Weyman of Ohlenste
My ancestor Johann Friedrich Wayman or Weyman married in London, England,
1817. He was born in 1785 in Germany, possibly Hannover. He was a sugar
baker. I have found a will in the Probate Court in London of Heinrich
Weyman or Weiman of Ohlenste, Hannover, a sugar baker, who was living in
same small street in London as my ancestor when he died in 1815. His
was also Heinrich Weyman and he was living in Ohlenste in 1803 when he
his will.
I cannot find Ohlenste in Meyers or in current maps of Germany. Can
Hi Rolf,
Thanks for your advice. I will follow it.
Hi, Paul,
Many thanks for your advice.