Wendt family

Would someone tell me where the city of Lippe is located in relationship to
Hannover and Braunschweig? I think my grandfather August Wendt may have come
from there. He, his brothers and mother came to America in the 1850s. The
father Heinrich Wendt stayed in Germany. Thanks in advance. Reply to:

Dear WBL435 (?),

I haven't heard of a city of Lippe yet, but Lippe was a principality also as Schaumburg-Lippe.

With following link you will find a good map showing the Kingdom of Hanover, the Dukedom of Braunschweig and the two principalities. You will also find further genealogical information about these regions:


Good luck with your further research and kindly regards from Langenhagen, Germany,


There are living Wendts in Australia , one is married to my couisn (Andree side) There were also Wendts............wait for it ........yes again......... in CEYLON !!! an Andreas Wendt born 1700 who married a lady called Hedwig Nagorsen in 1726 in Ceylon.
Andreas Wendt 's parents were obviously in Ceylon before 1700. I will check with a genealogist friend in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) what names he may have for the first Wendt's to appear in Ceylon although he may take a week or two to answer as he gets 100s of mails to reply to each week. I shall post his answer as soon as I recieve it.
MaryJane...Suffolk, UK

Hello wbl435,

Your question with respect to the Wendt family cannot easily be answered, as the surname Wendt is very common in all parts of Germany. Furthermore the given names "August" and "Heinrich" are even more common. Another complicating factor is that the surnames Wend, Went or other spellings were used indifferently.

Info on the region Lippe as well as the archives can be found at www.genealogienetz.de/reg/NRHE-WFA/lippe.html

If you have more data on your ancestors I can look into my registration of the surname Wendt.

Floris Went

A couple of great tools for geographical questions:
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  Do modern day searches for places and family names. Identify any trends or patterns and backtrack to the past.

WBL435@aol.com wrote:
  Would someone tell me where the city of Lippe is located in relationship to
Hannover and Braunschweig? I think my grandfather August Wendt may have come
from there. He, his brothers and mother came to America in the 1850s. The
father Heinrich Wendt stayed in Germany. Thanks in advance. Reply to:

<WBL435@aol.com> schrieb:

Would someone tell me where the city of Lippe is located in relationship to
Hannover and Braunschweig? I think my grandfather August Wendt may have come
from there. He, his brothers and mother came to America in the 1850s. The
father Heinrich Wendt stayed in Germany. Thanks in advance. Reply to:

Hello wbl435 (?),

there is no city of Lippe in Germany, only three very small villages far away from Hannover and Braunschweig. I think you mean the county of Lippe which is situated about 70 km south-west of the city of Hannover.

Wilfried (Petersen)