Dick & Dori Rhody wrote:
The people I am searching in Wallmoden are
Anton Marhine b. 1801, m. Fredrike Basse
the children were Johanna, Anton b. April 1833, m.1859 to Julianna,b.
May 1841,
Frederik b. Jan 2. 1835 m. Henrietta Mohrhoff (parents, Franz and
Henrietta Mohrhoff)
Frederike b. 1837
Dori Rhody
I havn't registered the word Hannover in your subject. I only
have some info about the village Neu Wallmoden. Neu Wallmoden
belonged at that time to the dukedom of Braunschweig and your
Wallmoden belonged to Hannover. Neu Wallmoden is only a stone
throw away.
But from Neu Wallmoden are 2 sisters Mohrhoff registered as
emigrants to the USA.
Mohrhoff, Henriette Juliane, * 13.4.1833, daugther of
the daylaborer Heinrich Mohrhoff and Sophie Fricke
emigrated in 1861, her sister
Mohrhoff, Johanne Wilhelmine, * 21.4.1847,
emigrated in 1866
maybe there is a relationship to your Mohrhoffs.
Marheine is not mentioned for Neu Wallmoden.
I found this infos in the book
title: Auswandererlisten des ehemaligen Herzogtums Braunschweig
ohne Stadt Braunschweig und Landkreis Holzminden 1846-1871
author: Fritz Gruhne
publ.: Selbstverlag des Braunschweiger Geschichtsvereins, 1971
As I know there isn't a similar book available for the former
kingdom of Hannover.
Sorry, but I can't give more help.