"Laurie Hanson" <hanno@melbpc.org.au> schrieb:
In 1853 Welehelm Christopher Friedrich Von Finteln was the only Von Finteln to come to Australia, I am seeking information regarding his parents and any other family. His parents were Peter Von Finteln and Katherine Maria Behman, they are said to have lived in Schustachen Hanover Germany. Any information would be appreciated.
Many thanks
Laurie Hanson
Hello Laurie Hanson,
some time ago I had contact with South-African von FINTEL by the closed list for members of the Lower Saxony Genealogists. He was very helpful with dates about bearers of my name ALBERS, who went there together with von FINTEL for purposes of the Hermannsburg Mission. Perhaps you will find contact by genealogy.net going on the sites for the research contacts. Unfortunately I cannot find back the e-mail adress quickly, but will further your interest to the other list.
Hans Peter Albers, Bienenbüttel
Liebe Forscherfreunde der Niedersachsenliste,
Frau Laurie Hanson aus Australien sucht Kontakt zu von FINTEL-Forschern, vielleicht kann Herr von FINTELN aus Süd-Afrika, der über die Niedersachsen-Liste früher recht hilfreich war, hier weiterhelfen.
mit besten Grüßen Hans Peter Albers