Volkszählungslisten sowie Military Records von Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia, Austro-Hungarian

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Recruitment Locality Index
The recruitment locality index specifies when & where
military units were recruiting in different areas of the
Austrian monarchy.

Grundbuchbl�tter Diverse 1780-1930
The Grundbuchbl�tter Diverse 1780-1930 are military foundation
registers for Austrian army personnel from Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia.
These records are contained on 665 rolls of 16mm microfilm and are
divided into two series: Diverse (454 rolls) and Diverse/I (211 rolls).

List of Recruits
A list of men eligible for conscription was maintained in each
district office. These records, where they were preserved till
the present day, are stored at the district archive.

Military Church Records
Over the past few decades, the Genealogical Society of Utah (GSU)
has microfilmed most of the Austrian military church records. These
records, reproduced on 551 rolls of microfilm, can be borrowed from
the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. Although many of these
records document deaths, they also list births & marriages. We've
compiled a list of microfilm rolls which contain church records for
units stationed in Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia.

Other Military Records
There are over 13,000 rolls of Austrian military records on microfilm
available through the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. We've
compiled a list of film rolls for Austrian military units which were
in Bohemia, Moravia, or Silesia. These are arranged by location.

For in-depth information about the Austrian military, visit the following

Austro-Hungarian Land Forces 1848-1918 By
Glenn Jewison & J�rg C. Steiner
This site documents the organizational history of the land forces of the
Austro-Hungarian monarchy from just prior to the outbreak of the
Great War until the collapse of the monarchy in 1918.
