Vestrup Kirchenbuecher-St. Vitus?

Does anyone know whether the Vestrup Kirchenbuecher covering St. Vitus
parish are available for sale? They would cover birth, baptisms, marriages,
deaths and membership? I understand they are available on microfilm at the
Mormon genealogical libraries; however, it is so much easier to purchase
them if available. Thank you, Cynthia in California, USA

I asked many years ago at the LDS - they won't sell it to you. I would love
this same church's records so I'd be interested to hear what others have to

By the way Cynthia, I studied this one for so many of my ancestors: SUING,
TONJES and many more. I was wondering what last names you are interested in?
Maybe we connect?

Annette Suing Sweetman

Hello Cynthia, hello Annette,
       it?s right, that you can?t buy the "Kirchenbucher Vestrup, St.
       The members of the church don?t allow this.
       Only the members of the group for family research in Sudoldenburg are
       working in data processing with the "Kirchenbucher", fixed with a
       It?s the aim to have a reference book of the families, who lived in
       vilages which belonged to the "Kirchspiel".
       We are doing this work as a leisure-time activity and so it takes

       I?m working with the "Kirchenbucher Vestrup" and so you can ask me
       people you are looking for. I?ll try to find them.

       Friendly regards

                                  Christina Lamping

       PS.: You will find my email-adress at the top !

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