Hi to the list in general:
In the 1860's and 1870's, my grandfather and the members of several other
families left Anderten Amt. Hoya, KOH. They all wound up in Crawford County.
Iowa. I was amazed to find almost all of their names spelled the same in both
places, except for Georg who gained an e and became George.
My querie concerns Dietrich Vannier, born April 1849, who married my
grandfather's sister Louise Dorothea Bösche in 1872. They lived in there 7
years before going to Iowa.
Where did Dietrich come from? There is no family history concerning him prior
to showing up in Iowa. I have very little luck when pursuing the name Vannier.
Is Vannier really a Van-something? Sounds Dutch to me. He was at the forefront
in establishing a church and other organizations in Iowa, so he was no dummy.
Did he run from something? It is probably something simple, but I haven't
blundered into it.
Gale Bösche