Trying to identify a Town to start from

First, I would like to thatn Wolf for all his hard work. A fantastic job Wolf, we have no other like you.

Having said that, I read Carole's message about the Word Document Conversion/Translation process. May I also sudjest downloading some Free software for translation of almost any languge to another from a URL - Much like Carole's, it's not perfect but it is free and will work on almost every page I have found. Just a sudjestion.

My ancestor, Jacob Fredrick Free, Jacob Fredrick Frei In German, is listed here to have come from Wurttsburg. I have found no reference to any particular town however. I know he was born in either 1810 or 1811 and came to America prior to 1835. I know there are many family's "Frei" in all of Germany, but if anyone could help I would be ever indebted.

Don Free from Southern New Mexico, USA

Dear God, Protect our troops and bring them home safe when they've completed their mission.

......maybe that is Wurttemburg



My ancestor, Jacob Fredrick Free, Jacob Fredrick Frei In German, is
listed here to have come from Wurttsburg. ...

could be W�rzburg (Wuerzburg) on the Main river. Germany's telephone directory ( shows only 2 Frei in W�rzburg, some more in Kreis (county) W�rzburg.

Nikolaus (Ordemann)