First, I would like to thatn Wolf for all his hard work. A fantastic job Wolf, we have no other like you.
Having said that, I read Carole's message about the Word Document Conversion/Translation process. May I also sudjest downloading some Free software for translation of almost any languge to another from a URL - Much like Carole's, it's not perfect but it is free and will work on almost every page I have found. Just a sudjestion.
My ancestor, Jacob Fredrick Free, Jacob Fredrick Frei In German, is listed here to have come from Wurttsburg. I have found no reference to any particular town however. I know he was born in either 1810 or 1811 and came to America prior to 1835. I know there are many family's "Frei" in all of Germany, but if anyone could help I would be ever indebted.
Don Free from Southern New Mexico, USA
Dear God, Protect our troops and bring them home safe when they've completed their mission.