Trip to Varel

I am planning a trip to Oldenburg in September, particularly to visit
Varel where my Eilers ancestors attended church, and Jeringhave where
they lived. I would like to employ an English-speaking researcher who
can accompany me to the church to make sure I can get in, and perhaps
take me to wherever the church records are kept. Can anyone recommend a
researcher? I would also appreciate any advice on the area.

Arlene Brackensick
Milwaukee, WI


You have already received some very good information for your trip. I
offer the following information.

My grandfather was born in Varel. Apparently the town no longer exists,
but with the aid of members of this mailing list I was able to pinpoint
where his vital records could be found. They are in St. Laurentius
Catholic Church in Vechta. The microfilm of these records can be viewed
at any Latter Day Saints (LDS) Library. The records are in Latin, but
with quite a bit of German. It is not too difficult to find the surname
then obtain the Baptism, Marriage and burial record dates and
information. Other information such as towns and occupation can be a
lot more difficult to make sense of, but it can be done.

One of the rolls of film is:
LDS Microfilm 0911505,

You may want to do some research here at home before taking your trip.
By doing the research at home, it will afford you more time to research
sources not readily available in the U.S. Based on information sent to
me by a member of the mailing list, there are tax records that date back
as far as 850. I have not found any microfilm source for these records.

Best of luck on your journey! You can contact me directly if I can be
of further assistance.

Bernie Punte