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Trying to tie this paper to family business affairs in order to sort out who's who! At some point, Christian Heinrich Stoltmann had the ownership of the family bakery. Is this an associated document? Danke

Gary Stoltman
Mercerville, NJ

Gary Stoltman schrieb:


Trying to tie this paper to family business affairs in order to sort out
who's who! At some point, Christian Heinrich Stoltmann had the ownership of
the family bakery. Is this an associated document? Danke

Gary Stoltman
Mercerville, NJ
Mit R�cksicht auf mein hohes Alter und andauernder Krankheit erkl�re ich
hiermit die mir unterm 21.Dec, 1891 erliehene Schankconcession
niederzulegen, sofern der wohll�bl. Kreisausschu� diese Concession meinem
Sohn Joh. Heinr. Stoltmann �bertragen will.
Mit Hochachtung


Accordingly to my high age and continously lasting illness I declare here to lay
down the innkeeping-pemission, which was lend to me with the date of 21.Dez.1891,
if the highly praiseworthy county commision ("Kreisausschu�") will hand it over
to my son Joh. Heinr. Stoltmann.
Very respectfully
and submissively ...

It is not said, which decision was made, but sounds like being only a formal
affair. Greetings Hans Peter Albers

