Translation Help for 1748 Marriage Record

I am looking for help with translating a marriage record. A scanned
image of the document can can be found at:

Thanks in advance!
Trevor Gontz

Hello Trevor,

I read the following:

Anno 1748 (maybe 1798)
Tag 13. Februar sind 3 Paar ehelich eingesegnet worden, als

2.) Johann Nicol (like Nicolaus) Ganss (maybe Gantz), Joh. (for Johann) Nicol Ganssen,
Gemeindtsmann (equals "common man") von hier ehelicher Sohn, und
Maria Margretha Faberin, weil. (for weyland = already dead) des ehrsamen Joh. Eberhard Fabers, gewesenen Haupt- und Handelsmannes dahier hinterlassene eheliche Tochter.

On the 13th of february 1748 were married
Johann Nicolaus Ganss, son of Johann Nicolaus Ganss, common man from here and Maria Margretha Faber, legitimate daughter of the already died worshipful Johann Eberhard Faber, he has been a Captain and a merchant.

Best regards
Bernd Engelhorn