Translation from Franken History page

Dear Gerald:

Here is a translation :

"Prior to the migration of nations, the Regnitz-Maun region was occupied by the Markomannen. Later, they moved to Bohemia and are considered to be a tribe of the Bajuwaren. However, to this day, the origin of the Bavarians has not been established definitively. What is known is that they settled near the Danube river around 550 A.D. and are comprised of residues of Celto-Roman population and Germanic mercenaries in the service of the Romans."

In my humble opinion, this description is a gross simplification of a very complex situation. More importantly, the region of the Fichtelgebirge was not occupied by the Bajuwaren or Bayern. I suggest you study an historic atlas. That will give you an idea what tribes moved in and out of that region in the course of time.

Best of luck!
Fritz Will, Santa Barbara