Translate German to English baptism info

Please assist in translating my great 2 x great grandfather's baptism
info. Looks like item 3 in this log book

Hello Richard,

if you mean the 3rd entry - Karl Hermann Borowski - I'll give you the modern script transcription and english translation.

The word in the [ ] are comments or completions by me. The names of the godfathers, I'm sorry, I can't clearly read, so that I had to guess a bit.

Here ist he modern script transcription (in German language):

Karl Hermann

geb.[oren] d.[en] 22t[en] (zwei u[nd] zwanzigsthen) Dez[em]b]e]r. 1840 N.[ach]M[ittag] 3 U[hr], get.[auft] d.[en] 3t[en] Jan.[unar] ?
Pat.[er] Postellion Johann Gottfried Borowski, Neumarkt N.]ummer] 1.
Mat.[er] Anna Louise geb.[orene] Boltz
Test.[es]: 1. Schumacherges.[ell] Lenken (?), 2. Kutscher Leikner (?)
3. Schuhmacherges.[ell] Freia (?) ?ohr

And this is the translation of the transcripted words:

Karl Hermann
b.[orn] t.[he] 22t[en] (twenty second) Dec[em]b[e]r. 1840 A.[fter]N[oon] 3 O['Clock], bapt.[ized] t.[he] 3r[d] Jan.[uary]
Fat.[her] Postillion [stage-coachman] Johann Gottfried Borowski, Neumarkt N.[umber] 1.
Mot.[her] Anna Louise bo.[rn] Boltz
Godfathers: shoe maker fel.[low] Lenken (?), 2. driver [or coachman] Leikner (?)
3. shoe maker fel.[low] Freia (?) ?ohr

I hope, it can help you on your researches.

Best regards from Berlin/Capital of Germany
Christian (Jantc)