Hello Liste I am looking for information about Doris/Dora (probably
Dorothea) THIEMANN, born in Sept. 1852 in Melsingen, Hannover - father Heinrich ?,
mother Dorothea. Possibly a brother, Wilhelm. Doris came to the U.S. approx.
This other family is not from Hannover but possibly someone would be able
point me in the right direction. Maria Carolina Frederika WILM, born in March
1853 in Belgard, Hinterpommern. Name of father and mother is unknown. She had
a stepfather with the family name of Daberkow or Daberhow.
Thank you for any help. Don Knopfel
Hello Don,
I cannot find a town by the name of Melsingen in my detailed road atlas
of Germany. There could be some tiny little town somewhere that is not
listed in the index, but I'm not sure where to look. A search on the German
telephone book can't find a town by that name either.
I looked in the LDS search and found many Thiemanns. There are listings
for Thiemanns in Ebstorf and near there is a small town of MELZINGEN. It is
very small and no church is shown on the map. I suggest that that Melzingen
is your Melsingen. However, I do not wish to mislead you, but I would keep
that possiblity in mind. If you do a Google search for Thiemann and
Ebstorf, you will find some connections.
North of Edstorf is a Medingen by Bad Bevensen. The phonebook lists one
Thiemann there.
Good luck,