The name Jobst

Does anyone know what the given name of Jobst might become in English. I
have not run into this given name before. I have a family member who married
a Jobst Behning in Illinois and I cannot find anything on a person by that

Thanks for your help.

Hi Don:

Here is an URL which may help:

What does the Jobst name mean?
Last Name: Jobst
  German: from the Biblical name Job, influenced by Jost (see Joost).

Hi Don,

my Jobst became Joseph in the US

Go to the statewide marriage index in the Illinois State Archives at

then type Behning in the Groom's name, and the marriage record for Jobst will appear.

Then, if you go to the 1860 census for Kankakee County, IL, Salina Twp., there is an entry for G. Benning, wife Doris (looks like Davis) and child Elenor, age 9 months. This would fit with a marriage date of 1858.

Hope this helps.


Hallo Don,

    that name is unusual since last thirty years in the area from East/North
of Westfalia. In this time, when I teached pupils, I never have had anyone
in my classes who was named so. But before this time I've had several
friends who heard to this name. In our mostly lutheran town there is the
"Jodocus church" and it is a catholic church.

    JOBST is a short form of JODOCUS. Also named JOST, JOBS, JUST. It is
an old celtic name and means "fighter" or "warrior" .

    JODOCUS may be a son of a king and a holy man, who became priest and
hermit. Catholics honour him at December, 13. Most honour is given to him in
the church St. Maximilian in Trier and in Monastry of Pr�m in Eifel-Region.
May be that in Rheinland-Pfalz-Area this name also is usually nowadays. Ill
people and pilgrims are those who cry to him for help.

    That's all, I find in my clever book. I hope, that it helps you.
    I think, you understand all - but I've learned Englisch at school
several years ago and it became very rusty, becaus there is no continual


Hallo Udo

Thank you for your reply. I think your English is very good. I was interested in the information you sent.

Thanks again,


I was also thinking Judocus..and I think I read somewhere Juducus is also for Hans Jobst?? (I...was thinking someone named Jobst might also be called Hans...tis my imput for the day. :slight_smile:


Hallo Barbie-Lew,

    all I wrote about JOBST I found in my clever book about surnames. But
when you search for "HANS", that's the short form of hebrew surname


Dear Udo,

Your absolutely right.

I have ancestor baptised Johannes Judocus and discovered that Hannsjost might be alternative or less formal version of the name. (Thanks to HPA)

And I suppose when my brain connected Jobst to Judocus I forgot about the Johannes part..:slight_smile:

Was mistake to suggest using the name Hans as alternative to Jobst.

A long time ago I read that Joyce might on occasion be used for Judocus/Jobst.

Just had a thought.... American Slang pronounciation could be Jesse but this thought is speculation.

I apologize for the ill-informed reply.

Happy Hunting,

Hi Barbie Lew,
    Your mention of Joyce as a possible English version of Jobst struck a memory
chord. You might check the H-L Archives for a comentary some time ago on the
name Jobst. I remember reading a fairly lengthy dissertation that Jobst
translated to the English name Joy .... I'm pretty sure it was on this list...
it also discussed the fact that Joy is usually a female name in English vs Male
in German.
Don Roddy

----- Message from ---------

Dear Don,

I remember a discussion about the name Judocus because I was there..:slight_smile: I'm pretty sure that HPA educated meon the Hannsjost/Joannes Judocus connection. I remember searching out the internet trying to find good site about given names and reading that old English version of Judocus might be Joyce...

P.S. which still reminds me of that Johnny Cash song.."Boy named Sue."
