Thanks & Location & Professional help?

In a message dated 10/24/2001 8:08:28 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

Here so many of us think it's wonderful that so many people from Germany

Count me in as one who thinks it is wonderful that our German friends are so
very helpful! On that front, although I have mainly been searching in
Hanover for one of my lines(Stolberg), I recently came across a reference to
Hesse Darmstadt in a census record on one of my other lines (Heinrich). Can
anyone point me in the right direction for this reference? Where is this?
Also, someone was so nice to send me the name of a professional genealogist
in Hanover, and I have misplaced the name and contact info. Could you please
searching for the STOLBERG / STOLLBERG family in the Kingdom of Hanover

Hesse Darmstadt in a census record on one of my other lines (Heinrich).


anyone point me in the right direction for this reference? Where is this?

You would call it state (Bundesland) Hessen. Darmstadt is a bit south of
Frankfurt at the River Main.



Sylvia has done a great job for me with my Hannover research. You can contact
her at: (Sylvia Moehle)

Ernestine Wark, NJ wrote:

Hi Ernestine:
Could you tell me where does Sylvia live? Is she near the Hanover Archives
and aproximately the hourly charge for research?

Sylvia has done a great job for me with my Hannover research. You can
