Hi everyone,
Today I received the immigration records the the Wobeking brothers from Staatsarchiv Osnabruck. That did not take long at all.
I also am checking the church records of Osnabruck with no luck. (from the FHS tape)
Would there be a way to contact churches in Borgloh to see if they have any records for these brothers.
Hi Shirley,
Good for you! There are Catholic church records that the LDS have on
Katholische Kirche Borgloh-Wellendorf (Kr. Iburg) (Main Author)
Won't that work for you? You can order the film from the LDS and view
them there. I only see one church on the map in Borgloh. Wouldn't that work
for you? Oh, yes, I just looked at that and it appears that there are years
missing. Is that the problem?
In that case, look here:
I think there's an email address.