My gg-grandmother was Anna Maria ZUMBAHLEN born 1835 in Oldenburg. Came to the US in the 1840's and settled in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio...married John Theodor TOENNIS in 1852.

Anna's parents were: Joseph ZUMBAHLEN (b. 1792-d. 1860) and Elisabeth WOLFING (b.1795-d.1870).

Joseph and Anna had at LEAST two other children:

Elisabeth who married Bernard MOHRHAUS in Cincinnati
Clemens who married Helena DEY in Cincinnati

They likely had more children, but I have not confirmed these connections.
The family was Catholic and they were possibly from Dinklage in Oldenburg.

Joseph may have been the son of Werner ZUM BAHLEN and Anna Catherina SEELHORST. This is unconfirmed and may be incorrect.

Possible other children for Joseph and Elisabeth are:

Otto Henry married Louise Augusta Amalie WURTZ in St. Louis, Missouri
Maria A. married Franz RIELAGE in Cincinnati
Mary Catherine married John Bernard RIESSELMAN in Cincinnati
Caroline married John RIELAG in Cincinnati
Heinrich married Helena LUETTMAN and settled in Kentucky
Bernardine married Anton DEIE in Cincinnati and Martin SCHULZ in Cincinnati
Herman Heinrich married Elizabeth Bernardina TEGENKAMP in Illinois
H. ? married a Anna Katharine in Illinois?
Herman in Illinois
Joseph who married Mary in Illinois

Any information about the origin of this family is appreciated.

Becky Koelling

Hello Becky,
the place/farmgroup Bahlen is a part of the parish Dinklage.
There two farms since middleage, the names are derived from the place :
- Eilert zum Bahlen, 38 hectare
- Wernke zum Bahlen (mean: Werner of Bahlen)

The last is your line:
- Wernke zum Bahlen, 1908 Gehrmann, 65 hectare (source: "Die Bauernhöfe im Amte Vechta", Pagenstert 1908)
  - 1501 Willike ton Bollen
  - 1545 Herman ton Bollen, 10 horses, 12 cows, 10 cattle, 18 pig
  - 1602 Hinrich zum Bollen
  - 1652 Werneke zum Bollen

Family history, source "Dinklager Familien" by Clemens Heitmann
- Werneke Zumbahlen, * about 1656, + 14.Jan.1725
1. oo 17.Nov.1681 Talke Espelage, + 15.Nov.1686
2. oo 02.Nov.1688 Elisabeth Seelhorst, * about 1665, + 30.Jan.1724
* 1682 Werner, + 20.Aug.1742
  oo 13.Nov.1714 Anna Margaretha Barlage, * 22.Aug.1688
* 06.Dec.1724 Hermann Heinrich, + 20.Mar.1764
  oo 03.05.1747 Gesina Blömer, * 06.Mar.1725, + 19.Mar.1795
                2. oo 23.Feb.1766 Herman Heinrich Renze, + 07.Sep.1790
* 21.Mar.1752 Werner, + 21.May.1826
  oo 19.Nov.1777 Catharina Seelhorst, + 4.Apr.1831
* 19.Feb.1785 Werner, oo 13.Oct.1818 Elisabeth Ferneding, no children (last farm owner)
* 19.Nov.1787 Johan Herman Heinrich, oo 25.Jan.1820 Anna Maria Pulsfort
* 01.Feb.1792 Johan Heinrich Joseph, oo 21.Nov.1820 Catharina Maria Elisabeth Wulfing, * 14.Mar.1798
* 02.May.1797 Bernhard Heinrich, oo 11.Feb.1830 Maria Anna Kenkel, * 25.May.1809

Could it be, that the parents of Anna Maria came also over the States?

I think it help,
Werner Honkomp


Thank you so very much!! That is exactly what I was looking for and I don't know if I could have gotten it on my own!!
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your help!



I'm sorry, I did not answer your last question. Anna Maria's parents did come to the US. They were known as Joseph and Elisabeth, and they died in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1860 and 1870. I have their death and burial records. But they are listed in your email as Johan Heinrich Joseph and Catharina Maria Elisabeth.

I think that they brought many of their children with them to the US.

Thank you!
