Looking for the Surname of Kumm around Oldenburg,Germany.George A. Kumm was born there around 1835.Like to find out more about him,his wife,and his parents.Is there cemeteries that might have buried any of the Kumm's?If so,please sent me any pictures of them.Also if there is any Kumm family in your town,please feel free to have them write to me.thank You.Sorry,I can't read or write German,but my father used to years ago.Robert.
Hi Robert.
You may be lucky, however most Cemeteries in Germany only
have a "shelf life" of around 25 years or so, unless the family "continues"
the site by paying an additional fee.
After the life of the grave, it is reused,in some cases the
Head stones are saved & stored? Although they are also often recycled as
required, unless the family requests "ownership". You would probably be
better off searching the local church records , or the LDS.
Most European Countries have a similar policy, unlike USA,
Australia, UK.
Regards Bill HINTE.