Yes, there very well could be a connection here. Not 100% sure. Need your
assistance to be sure.
I have one Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Pape B: 4-1-1792
His parents were: Federick Johann Pape B: 1760 D:11-21-1833
Christine Luise Charlott Niehus: no birth/death
I do not have the first names of Federick Johann's parents
I also show Johann's brother Heinrich Karl married Margaretha
Strawmiller/Strawmuller: This is the couple I have researched the most as I am inclined to
believe that they are the parents of my Grandfather Carl Friedrich Wilhelm
Pape born April 6, 1844 - emigrated to USA 1880 and died Sept. 17, 1913
How does all this fit into your family if at all?
In any case thank you for your response.
Fort Worth, Tx