Thank you so much for the info you sent. I do still have Stoffregen cousins
living in northern Virginia but I'm sure they have not done any family
research. I have seen the death register which contains what little info I have on
him but it leaves the place for his parent's names blank and simply says he
was born in Germany.
I have a copy of his wife's death certificate and her obituary but they don't
tell me much more. Her death certificate lists her father's name as Beho .
. . and the rest in unclear.
I did know they moved from Baltimore to Martinsburg and had at least two of
their children born there - Charles, and my great grandfather, Louis, before
moving to Fredericksburg, VA. I descend through Louis's son, Ernest lee and
his eldest daughter Freda Lee Stoffregen Martin. The middle name "Lee" appears
several times in the family and one of my cousins is named E. Lee Stoffregen
after his father, my uncle, of the same name.
I do see that most of the Stoffregens who came to America migrated west
almost immediately; but my family stayed on the east coast for reasons unknown to
me. I have talked with several Stoffregen descendants who reside in the mid
western USA but they have no info on my Stoffregen family. The mystery
continues! Roy