Dann, Herr Scheele, wird es Ihnen ja sicherlich gelingen, die Geburt und die weiteren Vorfahren von Claus Hinrich Steinberg in Gnarrenburg zu finden.
Horst Rauschenberg
I think Barbara was correct. I have a Familienbuch for Gnarrenburg and it
lists a marriage for Claus Hinrich STEINBERG from Franzhorn and Maria
OERDING in Sept. 1859. Parents of Claus were Diedrich and Gesche Maria
GLAHN. Parents of Maria were Christoph and Rebecka VIEBROCK.
There is only one other STEINBERG listed, That was a Hinrich STEINBERG and
wife Margarete PRIGGE who lived in Billit. No children are listed for either
Paul Scheele