St. Viktor Church marriage record

I have a listing from a marriage record book from St. Viktor's church in
the Damme, Oldenburg area from 1875.

Franz Heinrich Moorman born 11 May, 1875. Parents were Heinrich Bernard
Moormann born in 1850, and Caroline Bernadine Dyckhues
(Dyckhus, Dyckhaus, Dickhaus have also been found on other members of the
family). Caroline had another son born 29 October 1869, I believe in the
same area. He left Germany as he was older and moved to Cincinncati,
Hamilton, OHio. Caroline died 5 August 1875 months after my Franz
Heinrich was born. His father Heinrich B. gave the baby to a relative to
raise. I believe is may have been a sister of his or maybe even the
mothers, or an aunt of his, that never married. Due to my grandfathers
childhood being abnormal, he never spoke of his life in Germany as he was
very bitter I believe with his father.

Franz Heinrich left Germany in 1892 to come to Cincinnati, to find his half
brother. He supposedly stowed away on a ship and stayed hidden until they
were far enough out to sea then he popped up. He worked his passage on the
ship and arrived in Cincinnati with very little money. HIs father
approached him in Germany wanting him to come live with him when he was
older and able to work so he could help support his family.

He remarried 5 Nov. 1875 only months after his wife's death to Maria
Josephine Schildstein as it is listed in the records at St. Viktor Church.
I have no idea of the area she may have been from or nor can I find
anything on him or the 10 or 12 children they were supposed to have had in
the family.

I am interested in trying to find the children of Franz's father Heinrich
and Maria JOsephine as many MOORMANNS came to Cincinnati. Franz died in
1962 and his half brother Bernard Heinrich Dyckhues died in the 1940's in
Cincinnati, Ohio.

Any help you maybe able to give me with the siblings of Heinrich Bernard
Moormann and the step mother Maria Josephine Schildstein. I may have
misread this last name for Maria. I do not know German and tried to make
sense of it the best I could. Thank you in advance if you can
find anything on the above.

Janice Moorman Pelsor