Sprengelmeyer/Franxmann from Hagen

Dear Jim,

My database Hagen emigrants are from the Hagen betweeb Nienburg and
Neustadt am Ruebenberge. That Hagen is north of the Steihuder Meer.

As i studied my "Aoto Atlas 1995/6 Deutschland 1:2000.000", I observed
that there was not only a Hagen but also Altenhageb and a Natrup-Hagen.
Someone else had asked about persons from Gellenbeck which is just west of
your mentioned Hagen.

Although I do not have persons with your surnames in my database, I would
certainly appreciate your submitting your names and data for 2 and, if
possible 3 generations. Several generations like that surely increases the
liklihood of making a connection. Please include your sources. I will
also source the records with your name, e-mail address and your snaimail
address if you chose to provide it.

Let's hope that someone will either make a connection or link to you and/or
provide additional data to the Hannovarian database.

Yours in Genealogy,


I would be interested in corresponding and exchanging information with anyone
researching the SPRENGELMEYER or FRANXMANN (FRANKSMANN) families from the
area of Hagen, near Osnabru"ck).

Jim Birch
Cincinnati, Ohio

Earl N. Armbrust, Jr.
1743 Blodgett Rd.
Mount Vernon, WA 98274-5043

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