
Hallo liebe Listenleser !

Ich suche Informationen zu Geburtsdaten und Eltern folgender Personen:

1. Albert Wilhelm Ernst Speckmann, Schlachter, wohnte Rauhehorst 180 in Oldenburg, heiratete vor 1941 Marie geb. Rieser, sie heiratete in 2. Ehe nach Tod oder Scheidung des ersten Ehemannes den Fleischer Werner Vestewig.

2. Alfred Karl Magnus Speckmann,zuletzt wohnhaft in Oldenburg, heiratete vor 1936 Clara Henriette Rosenbohm aus Metjendorf.

3. Martin Johann Wilhelm Speckmann, 1943 wohnhaft Tweelbäker Tredde 1 in Oldenburg, verstorben zwischen 1951und 1954 heiratete vor 1937 Grete Dora Friedrike Köhrmann.

Ich bin für jeden Hinweis dankbar.

Frank Speckmann

Hi Frank,

Glad to see you are still searching for your Speckmann relative to fill up your Speckmann tree. Since there are all in the 1900s it should not be hard to find this out unless the records were destroyed in the war.

We exchanged emails a year or so ago about my search for my Speckmann relatives (mostly in Hunteburg at that time) and concluded that since they were Catholics that they were probably not related to Speckmanns in Oldenburg. I have since found out that there were some mixed marriages (Catholic and Lutheran) in the family so there may be some connection.

Have a nice day,

Barney Speckman(n)