
Dear readers,

As in my search I have come to the next problem in the dutch GENLIAS

My great Grandfather: Bernhard Gerhard Speckmann was born 01-08-1846 in
Oberlethe, Germany, he moved to Groningen , Netherlands and married Maria
Elisabeth Pieke. His parents were Johann Speckmann and Catharine Wille.

I have also found an Johann Diedrich Speckmann, born 27-12-1843 in
Oberlethe, Germany, he also moved to Groningen and married Hendrekien
Wolfgram. His parents were Johann Speckmann and Margarethe Wille.

I am not sure about their relation , can someone help me with this?

This is just a guess--Did Margarethe Wille die, and then Johann Speckmann
married her sister, Catharine?


Hallo Gert-Jan Speckmann !

As I wrote it in my last E-Mail to you, Bernhard Gerhard Speckmann had a brother, who also went to Groningen. Johann Diedrich Speckmann is this brother. The mother of both sons was Anna Catharina Wille, born 18-02-1805 in Oberlethe. But she had a twin, named Thalke Margarethe. So it was a mistake of the priest to say, that Johann Diedrichs mother was Margarethe Wille.
Johann Speckmann has had only one wife, Anna Catharina Wille.

Greatings from Wardenburg
Frank Speckmann

A suggestion: I have found in my German research that people were usually referred to by their middle name. But, occasionally they were also referred to by their first name. I would bet that the woman's name was Margarethe Catherine or Catherine Margarethe and that it's the same person. You could solve the mystery if you could find this woman Wille's birth record.

I found this with my gr grandfather's parents. He was one of 5 siblings. The mother was referred to as Catharina on 3 birth records and as Maria on 2 birth records. When I found HER birth record, she was Maria Catharina.

Bernard Gerhard and Johann Diedrich sound like brothers, given the 3 yr. difference in date of birth.

Hope this helps.


Hallo, die Br�der Bernhard Gerhard und Johann Dietrich Speckmann *1843/1846 k�nnen eigentlich nicht Kinder von Catharina Sophia Wille sein, da diese Dame bereits 1794 ( ! ) geboren wurde, sie w�re also bei den Geburten 49 bzw. 52 Jahre alt gewesen. Ihre Hochzeit war 1824 und ihre �brigen Kinder wurden zwischen 1825 und 1832 geboren. Andere Ehen "Speckmann/ Wille" sind aus dieser Zeit nicht bekannt. Freundliche Gr��e Wierhake.----- Original Message -----

Hello, listers!

I saw Frank Speckmann's post from Wardenburg, and decided to write to see
if anyone can give me any further information about the following, or if I
might connect with some new cousins.

My 7G grandfather, Frerk K�HNE (c. 1622-1694), lived and died in Wardenburg.
On 21 Aug 1659, he married Gebke KULEMANN/KUHLMANN (c. 1625-1707). She
was born in Sage.

My 6G grandfather, Gerd K�HNE (c. 1666-1731), lived and died in Wardenburg.
On 10 Nov 1703, he married Gesche KUHLMANN (1661-1734). She lived and
died in Wardenburg.

My 5G grandfather, Friederich K�HNE (1713-1776), was born in Wardenburg.
On 15 Oct 1734, he married Anna Catharina SCH�TTE (1714-17940. She was
born in Sage.
In 1745, they moved to the RENKEN place in Grabstede.

Another 7G grandparent, Helmerich KUHLMANN/KULEMANN (abt 1655-3 Feb 1711),
also died in Wardenburg.

Thank you!
Marilyn Stulken
Racine, Wisconsin

I have an uncle (married to my mother's sister) whose name is Robert K.
Schuette(sic) Sr. He is retired and was originally from Toledo OH.

If you like, I can get you in touch with him. I do not think he is
interested in genealogy, but he is an intelligent man (engineer) and is
mentally very alert.

David D. Otto

**All Incoming and Outgoing email scanned with Norton 2006 Anti-Virus.

Please see my post with the subject line "Schuette". It was meant for you,
but I forgot to include your name or original subject line as the subject.

Sorry to all members,

**All Incoming and Outgoing email scanned with Norton 2006 Anti-Virus.

Here two addresses in Grabstede, today part of Bockhorn:

Köhne, Georg
  Hauptstr. 8
  26345 Bockhorn

Köhne, H. u. Lampe K.
  Hauptstr. 31
  26345 Bockhorn

Maybe your cousins :slight_smile:
Good luck,
Werner Honkomp

Thanks, Werner!

I'll give it a try.

Greetings from Wisconsin,

Hallo Marilyn !

There are still K�hne�s in Wardenburg. In a small village called Oberlethe, 2 km west of Wardenburg, there is a farm an the owner is Ewald K�hne. His adress is

Ewald K�hne
Am Brink 1
26203 Wardenburg

From this farm came all K�hne�s in Wardenburg.

Greetings from Wardenburg to Wisconsin
Frank Speckmann

Hallo Herr Wierhake !

Die beiden unten genannten Br�der sind Kinder von
Johann Speckmann, geboren 16.08.1808 in Munderloh, Gemeinde Hatten, gestorben 08.04.1881 in Westerholt und
Anna Catharina Wille, geboren 18.02.1805 in Achternholt, gestorben 19.01.1875 in Westerholt.
Die Eheschlie�ung der Eltern war am 20.04.1829 in Wardenburg.
Insofern war die Mutter bei der Geburt ihres letzten Kindes gerade mal 41 Jahre alt, was ja durchaus nicht ungew�hnlich ist.
Die zweite Ehe Speckmann /Wille in dieser Zeit d�rfte dann folgende sein:
Johann Hinrich Speckmann, geboren 30.80.1799, gestorben 22.10.1865 heiratet am 30.11.1824 in Wardenburg
Catharine Sophie Wille, geboren 05.01.1794, gestorben 23.11.1844

Mit freundlichen Gr��en
Frank Speckmann