Speckman Family From Wellingholzhausen

Hello Hannover Listers

Deutsche Übersetzung durch Computer unten:

I am looking for information for SPECKMAN family from Wellingholzhausen

This family is Catholic and this is all I have:

Speckman, Hermanno, born * 1625 married with Tyemans, Maria
Speckman, Anna Clara, born * 1659 (daughter)
Speckman, Hermannus, born * 1661 (son)

I have traced my Speckmann family back to Hunteburg to a Johan Herman Speckmann ( born * 1763) and it appears he was not born in Hunteburg so I am trying to find out where he might have come from.

If you have any information related to these Speckman or Speckmann I would appreciate receiving it.

Friendly Greetings
Barney Speckman
San Francisco, California

German translation by computer below:

Ich suche nach Informationen für SPECKMAN von Wellingholzhausen

Diese Familie ist katholisch und dieses ist alles, das ich habe:
Speckman, Hermanno, getragen * 1625 verbanden mit Tyemans, Maria Speckman,
Anna Clara, getragen * 1659 (Tochter)
Speckman, Hermannus, getragen * 1661 (Sohn)

Herauszufinden, ich habe meine Familie zurück zu Hunteburg zu einem Johan Herman Speckmann verfolgt (getragen * 1763) und daß es scheint, er nicht geboren war in Hunteburg, also ich versuche, wo er gekommen sein konnte von.

Wenn Sie irgendwelche Informationen haben, die auf diesen Speckman oder Speckmann, würde ich, bezogen werden das Empfangen es schätzen.

Freundliche Grüße

Barney Speckman

Hi Barney,

      You've probably seen this:


    If you run a search for Speckman and Wellingholzhausen, you will get 21
returns. Not in the right century though, I'm afraid.


Hi Barbara,

Thanks for the tip. I have not used the Meta search before so I learned something. Yes, the Speckmann are in the wrong century but at some point they may connect to my Speckmann family.

Thanks again,
