At the suggestion of a list reader I have included the passenger list
and other info below my original post. See below:
Does anyone have ancestors that immigrated to the US on the Ship Union
which arrived in Philadelphia on 30th September, 1774?
I ask for two reasons:
1. I know that at least two of the passengers (one is my ancestor) on
this ship were from Pferdsfeld and I am curious to see how many others
were also from Pferdsfeld.
2. If you have an ancestor that was on this ship and you don't know
where they came from there is a chance that they too were from
Pferdsfeld and I will keep an eye out for them when I am looking
through various Pferdsfeld records.
Ship Information and Passenger List:
[List 320 C] At the Store of Mr Henry Neill, at Philadelphia, the 30th
September, 1774.
Present: Peter Miller, Esqr.
The foreigners whose Names are underwritten, Imported in the Ship
Union, Andrew Bryson, Master, from Rotterdam but last from Portsmouth,
in England, did this Day take and Subscribe the foregoing Oaths and
Declarations in the Usual Form. In the List 156. Consigned to Mr
Robert Ritchie. (paid 11.14.0 pounds.)
Casper (X) Nuyne Peter Spruchman
Andrew (+) Schneynow Nicklas Fitincher
Johann Wilhelm Müller Johann Zimerman
George (+) Rummell Peter Kuner
Johann Martin Schweickart Niclaus Schweppenhaüser
Hennrich Dörr Leonhart Opp
Matthias Wild Phlips Jacob Wagner
Carl Purpur Friedrich Gantz
Johannes Fuchs Nicholas (X) Boyer
Johann Anthon Rühl Vallenthin Beyer
Johannes Heimbach Henrich Adam Waltman
Henrich Frick Samuell Schenck
Adam Seibert Johan Detweiller
Nicklas Grauss Gotthold Frid. Enslin
Hartman (X) Wink Fabian Kurtz
Bernard (X) Schwing Beter Schimmel
Phillipp Jung Johannes Schaum
Abraham Stoffel Jacoby . . . . Rüttiger
Philipp Klein Johann Friedrich Strauch
Michael Klein Jacob Voltz
Jost Leibinger Chri[st]ian Wittmer
Caspar Steinmetz Johan Adam Schlott
Henrich Steinmetz Johannes Stofflet
Carl Steinmetz Friederich Bergman
Johannes Hock Friedrich Weyler
Jacob Boss Johann Carl Rentzheimer
Carl Böhringer Peter (X) Schwabeland
Michael Müller Matheis Feiring
Adam (+) Stam Johann Adam Friederich
Friedrich Kölhoffer Johann Gottfr. Paul Zimmerman
Adam Koeningsfeld Friederich Bayer
Philip Thiebaut Dangel Frickert
Laux Kochges Martin Weimer
Jean Bartholmeus Ney Michael David Esch
Johan Georg Gottfriedt Chris. Wilh. Ruthardt
Johann Adam Specht Johannes Becker
Philipp Müller Christob Staufer
Jacob Eyler Melchior Wickert
Christian Rossen Nicol Sutor
Jost Spengler Peter (X) Wallman
Alexander Otto Johann Georg Bauer
Valentin Göttert Johann Jacob Roth
Petter Sintz Michael (+) Shilling
Johann Stadtler Johann Jacob Medart
Johann Nicolahr Jacob Gucker
Henrich Schwing** Christoph Herbster
Johann Adam Steinbach Heinrich Engelfried
Johann Adam Müller Friderich Freytag
Johann Nicolaus Quast Fridrich Schaumenkessel
Jacob Leibenzeter Johann Daniel Nieler
Johann Adam Leber Martin Schwartz
Friedrich Hehl Johan Christian Wilms
Carl Christian Louis Johann Jacob Dieterle
Nicholas (+) Guit Casper (+) Uhl
Joseph Fötsch Johann Adam Stock
Albreck (X) Webher Frederick (X) Beyerle
Ludwich (O) Schwabeland Georg Jacob Häussler
Christian (X) Schwabeland Johans Carolus
Jacob (X) Leher Georg Adam Marggrander
Ludwick (X) Axe Christian Glaufliegel
Johann Petter Kurtz Erhardt Freytag
Daniel (X) Wolff Leond Croneman
John Georg (+) Baltz Johannes Foltz
Johann Conrad Eiselen Johann Georg Müller
George (++) Eckhart Israel Leypole
John George (+) Rutter Michäll Miller