Seek Descendents Friedrich Gansberg

The 1851 German Census shows three youngsters aged 1-3 named Friedrich GANSBERG in Hoya, Kingdom of Hannover.

Which one is my great-grandfather and which one is yours? Can we compare notes? Please respond!

M. Shelly

Hi Maureen:

It sounds like you may have intended to address your message to a particular person, however, others on the list may be able to help if you can give additional information such as other family members, ages and inlaws.

For an instance: Friedrich Gandsberg b 1848, Mother Dorothee Radecke b 1819, Father Ludwig b 1921. Also in the household, Friedrich Haase b 1837 and Father-in-law Johann Radecke b 1781. They were living in (of Course) Gandsberge.


You were kind enough to help me with this before and I really appreciate it, Gale.

I am just hoping to find others who may be able to let me eliminate one or another -- or who may have my great-grandfather in their own line as one of those lads for sure!

I have been unable to find any parents' names for him in any USA records.

The only German family hint I have is when I had listed my grandfather's name as "Rudolph Frederick" and his second wife corrected me and said it was "Rudolph Henry" and Henry was for his father's brother. So the great-grandfather had a brother Heinrich Gansberg and there was one of those living in NJ at the same time, about 15 miles away.

The only other place there were Gansbergs in Hannover seems to be in Heemsen, near Neinburg -- further south on the Weser River. That family also had a Friedrich of the same approximate age in that Census.

And then they also had one born in 1853 - 1854, to an unmarried sister, and I am in touch with that fellow's family in the US and they have done every person down from that Friedrich's mother -- who was a "camp follower," supposedly, and brought her 14 yr. old Fred to Illinois to join her two married daughters and their husbands as pioneers on the prairie in 1868.

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 23:58:53 -0600
Hi Maureen:

Looks like I do not have too much to offer. However, Rudolph may very well be spelled with a f not ph. You should also be on the lookout for Dolf, Dolph and Dolphus. Also where did the name come from? Uncle? GF? etc. If you are looking at records and find a Rudolph wich a different last name a couple of doors away, it could be a maternal uncle.
