Dear List,
Three years ago, when I started my search for information on my great
grandfathers, I had information on my Dad's father, Heinrich A. Brandt, and
his grandfathers back to 1642. They were all members of the Lutheran church
in Frille, Germany. I knew the maiden name of Dad's mother, Marie Koch, and
Mom's mother and father, but that was all I had. I had no knowledge where the
other three of my grandfathers were born. I am 78 and all relatives that
could help are deceased. Information from two Lutheran churches in
Indianapolis gave me a start for the three great grandfathers about whom I
knew little. With help of a List member and a German amateur genealogist, who
had access to all of the Frille church records, I have succeeded in tracing
two of these families back to the 1600's. I was surprised to learn that three
of my grandfathers were baptized in the Frille church. However, I am stalled
on the Kochs, the family of Dad's mother. These are the facts I know:
All four of my great grandfathers lived in Indianapolis in the late 1800's. I
know that Marie Koch's mother was Eleonore Klasing Koch (b 1842 to 1847 - -
uncertain of the exact year) and that her father was Johann Heinrich Koch (b
1839 or 1840, d 1868). I do not know whether they were born in America or
Germany. I have not been able to trace them to the Frille church. One
possible lead from the 1860 Indiana census records was a J. H. Koch (b 1815),
born in "the Kingdom of Hanover". I understand that this could have been near
Frille. He could have been the father of my great grandfather who was born in
1840. The birth dates and initials of this family seem to fit, but without
knowing exactly where my great grandfather Koch or his father were born, my
search has hit a dead end.
My great grandfather Johann Heinrich Koch was listed as father of Marie on
the St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Indianapolis records of my Grandfather
Brandt's marriage to Marie. Unfortunately, St. Paul's records prior to the
wedding were burned in a fire that destroyed the building. So I can not tell
if Johann Heinrich Koch was born in Indiana or Germany and if in Germany,
baptized in what church? Knowing that might allow me to go back to previous
generations. Also, I have had help from List members, who searched for great
grandfather Koch on ships records of immigrants. None seem to be a fit.
This may be all the information that I can get. If so, I will be happy to
pass on this much to my grandchildren. I appreciate the patience of anyone
who has read this far. I am hoping that someone on the List can help me get
by my impasse.
Paul Brandt