Searching for info on a WWII soldier

I'm searching for information on a soldier who was an "unteroffizier"
and died in Rshew (Rzhev), Russia in 1942. I already know where he is
buried, but I would like to find out what unit he was assigned to and
any military information available. Where should I start?

Ich suche information ueber ein soldaten der war ein unteroffizier und
war in Rshew (Rzhev), gesterben in 1942. Ich weis schon wo er begraben
ist, aber ich wurde militaerish information finden. Wo sollte ich
anfangen? Es tut mir leid, dass mein deutsch so schlect ist.
Hoeffentlich koennen Sie alles verstehen.


Trent Whiteley
Microsoft - Mac IE Dev.
(972) 475-1914

Hello, Trent:

In ref to your search about details regarding a WW2 soldier you may want to
contact the RED CROSS in Munich. The address is:

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz
Suchdienst Muenchen
Chiemgaustrasse 109
81549, Muenchen

The e-mail address is
The website is
Telephone: (089) 680 773-0
Telefax: (089) 680 745-92

Another DRK address would be:
Deutsche Dienststelle
Eichborndamm 179
13403 Berlin

Some time ago I needed information for my family tree on my brother
Hans-Juergen Becker,
who has been missing in action on the Eastern front since early 1945. They
told me that Leutnant Hans-Juergen Becker of the 214. Infantry Division,
born 1/2/1924 in Hamburg/Germany, has been missing since January 15, 1945
in the area RADOM in the Weichselbogen (bend of the river Wistula in

(The more information you can furnish, such as Feldpostnummer et cetera, the
easier and faster will be their search)

Tschuess !

Karl-Heinz Becker
Alabama, USA

Hello again, Trent:

In ref to your search for specific WW2 grave details here is another address
you may want to contact. The last correspondence I had from them (Mrs.
Marlene Will) was dated March 9, 2001:

Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgraeberfuersorge e.V.

Werner-Hilpert-Strasse 2
34112 KASSEL

Telephone: 0561 - 7009 - 0
Fax: 0561 - 7009 - 211


Best of Luck !

Karl-Heinz Becker