
This is a reply to Chris researching SCHUMACHER,

I have a Sophie Schuhmacher who I believe to have been born in Balge,
Kreis Nienburg, Hannover. I am not sure if all of this is accurate, as I
can not locate such a place on the map. (maybe some one on the list can
help with this). The town might be spelt Balje.

Any how Sophie died in childbirth in Erin, Stephenson CO, Illinois 15
Jan 1860. She was the first wife of my Gr Grandfather Johann Joachim
Schmidt, who came to Illinois from Mecklenburg around 1849. I descend
from his second wife so I have never worked Sophie's line.

I am really stuck finding information about Johann Joachim Schmidt so if
this happens to fit it might help us both---Bob Marhenke

Hi Bob,
     Balge is a town north and a little west of Nienburg. It is on a road
north of Marklohe that leads to Hoya.