Sind in diesem Buch auch Geburtsurkunden,Taufscheine usw. erhalten,wenn
ja,wie kann ich es bestellen? Ich wohne in Arizona.
Rosie schrieb:
Sind in diesem Buch auch Geburtsurkunden,Taufscheine usw. erhalten,wenn
ja,wie kann ich es bestellen? Ich wohne in Arizona. Rosie
Sorry no documents as birth or baptizing records. It is a collection of treatises
in history of special subjects. For example the most useful deals with guilds and
how to get a member of, or what happened to those doing the work without being a
member in the 15th and 16th century. In that context are given a lot of names.
Others deal with church history of Bistum Kammin or waht a chancellor of the
German Order (Deutscher Orden) named Liborius NAKER had to do and what were the
names of the personal staff between 1460 and 1500 of the chancellery. To illus-
trate that with names: the following persons were secretaries or chancellors:
Chancellors: ... Johann WINKLER (1461), Stefan HERDER (1468), Johann REHWINKEL
(1472), Johann CHRISTANNI (1475), Nikolaus KREUDER (1480, again 1483), Vinzenz
HESSE (1482), Michael SCULTETI (1494), Paul v. WATT (1499)
Secretaries: ...Ludwig BRAUN (1465), Liborius NAKER (1469 and again 1482), Jakob
UDERMANN (1469, 1475), Johannes UDERMANN (1478), Albert SPIRAU (1494) ...(S.177)
As the book is in German and sometimes a bit very scientifically, one should have
same knowledge of German language to get the full profit of the contences. It is
much more history than pure genealogies. The problem is always, we have to go to
historical treatises with given names, where the parish books hadn`t yet become
into use. Such publications are normally very expensive, this one is a bargain,
that why the recommendation.
One can order it by the given adress : with the I
mailed. If there are problems with orders to USA, I would like to know about. I
haven't checked that, but mean I remember a hint there about higher postage as
inside Germany. So it should work generally.
Best wishes Hans Peter Albers, Bienenb�ttel