This is my first posting to this list.
I am looking for information about ancestor Johann Friedrich Schröder, born in Eitzendorf. He was married in 1813 in nearby Dörverden so I would estimate his birth at around 1785-1793. He married Anne Margarethe Elisabeth Thölke (b. 1785) and they had 2 known sons in Dörverden/Stedorf. The sons were born 12 years apart in 1813 and 1825 so I'm wondering if there are records of other children maybe born in Eitzendorf. Also there are no death records for Johann or his wife in Dörverden so possibly they died in Eitzendorf.
Does anyone on the list have access to the Eitzendorf Ev. Luth. parish records? Any help or ideas would be most helpful.
Kind regards,
Laura in Minnesota USA
Laura Schroeder