School Difficulties in the US


At least showing up and aknowledging who one is and letting there be an official record is better than coming in and there being no record. I do belive that diseases and insanity etc. were always screened out.

In any case, the world is a lot more complicated than it used to be. If it were just about people simply looking for work it would be nice. Another question is why doesn't anyone criticize the Mexican governement for not trying to improve it's own economy and create jobs itself? There are many elite rich in Mexico that could do something but they don't. They are happy to let poor people leave the country.

Many people want to come into the US so if we can't let everyone in all at once, it's not fair to make some be on a waiting list for years (like my husband was) and then let others just walk in immediately because they want to.

I just wanted to give my 2 cents.
Best wishes, Pam