Schmidt - probobly not the right list

Dear List,

Recently found out my grandmother Schmidt from Sande, near Germany, Billstrasse 1, had a brother who

...died in his late teens early twenties back in Germany, when they went out in the woods to chop of the head of a chicken, and he accidentally chopped of his hand and bleed to death.

My grandmother was born 1900. Unsure exactly where, but her passenger list said Sande, near Bergedorf, Billestrasse 1.

I wonder if possible this may have been in a community newspaper?



    There is a Sande near a Bergedorf in the greater Hamburg area. The
towns are located east of Hamburg. Might be in a newspaper there.


Cactus Flower schrieb:

Dear List,
My grandmother was born 1900. Unsure exactly where, but her passenger list
said Sande, near Bergedorf, Billestrasse 1.

"Sande" was the nowadays region in Bergedorf north of the railway, which goes
over north into Lohbr�gge and extends west to direction of part of Bergedorf
named Boberg. There is a similar sounding street-name still existing which was
the centre of that region Sande.

I wonder if possible this may have been in a community newspaper?

The story sounds spectaculare, so it might be. But research will be difficult
without exact date of occurance. Old newspapers are stored in Hamburg at diffe-
rent places, but could be find out by help of the Staats- und Universit�tsbiblio-
thek, Von-Melle-Park 5, 20146 Hamburg, where to be found in Hamburg. For general
answers about press in Hamburg in former times, the Staatsarchiv would be the
right place for requests, if no one on the list has special knowledge about
Bergedorf newspapers in former times.

Greetings Hans Peter Albers