Saint Anna in Twistrigen / Hunteman Family

I am looking for information about my great-grandfather, Arnold Hunteman, who
lived in or around Twistrigen. I have found documents stating he was a real
estate broker near Morsen and also found documents stating his children were
baptized at St. Anna Church in Twistrigen. Can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance
Rebecca Hartman (

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Hello Rebecca,

   Here is a page for St. Anna church in Twistringen:

You could contact them by email:

   Morsen is a town near Twistringen but there is not a church listed on the
map. Obviously they went to the Twistringen church.

   There are also phone numbers you could call.

Good luck,

I am looking for information about my great-grandfather, Arnold Hunteman,

    Also, there are 18 phone numbers for Huntemann in Twistringen today:

Go here and use the name Huntemann and Twistringen. There are addresses
there as well.

Go here:

You can use the English version if you want. Then put in Huntemann and

I have a friend who did that very thing in Italy and found all sorts of
relatives. She then went there and met them all.


Hello Rebecca,