Rollman's of Neuekirchen

Hallo Liste,

Thank you all for your help! I have a question about my family name. In the
Catholic church records of Neuenkirchen I first found Joannes Gerhard
Rohlmann circa 1748, but then found his name Joannes Gerd Beyder Hake
(Haeke?) condictus Rohlmann. The name Rolf Beyder Hake also appears. The
records continue to show Rolf Beyder Hake or just Beyder Hake for
generations. For example Joannes Gerh's grandson is named Joannes Bernardus
Henricus Rohlmann swe Rolf bey der Hake. I've also seen Rolf Beyder Hake and
Rohlmann used interchangeably. I beleive the name Rohlmann (Rollman) is
derived from Rolf, but I don't understand why the name Beyder Hake or Rolf
Beyder Hake continue to follow the family name. Could this be a place? I've
also seen Rolfs vor der Hake. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Vince Rollman

Hello Vince,

I'm not sure where the name Rollmann/Rohlmann came from maybe it is derived from Rolf.
Because the farm namend since 1803 or before "Rolf bei der Hake" (former Byder Hake). Hake is a barrier or a gate, means; Rolf lived on a place by the barrier or gate. Later it formed to the surname of his family. Of course this name is very long and it could be that the shortened form Rol-man developed.
"vor der Hake" is the same; "before the gat/barrier.
A tax register at 1661 listed as Kötter (cottage):

Johan bei der Hake et uxor

I hope it helped.
