
"janet henriksen" <> schrieb:

I do believe I have the right Linden because there are several Rohwold families listed in the church records (Saint Martins) but the Wilhelm I found that would have a birth date near mine died when he was 13 days old. Can you tell me where the other towns named Linden are located and I may be able to find Rohwolds there. Are they also in Hannover?

Rohwold is a very uncommon name and today there are only about 6 families in Germany with the name but have not been able to get any information from them.

Hello Janet Henriksen,

the name isn't as seldom as you think, if you take into consideration, that there might have been changes in writing. Specially the "h" even in modern times was often thrown out of words if not accentuated. For example "Hut", which means "hat" was written earlier as "Huth". there are more examples. So, if you leave out of ROHWOLD the "h" you get ROWOLD. In the common telephone directory for Hannover and Linden are given in 1998

- ROWOLD, Gerda u. FRITZSCHE, Peter, Blumhardthof 7, 30625 Hannover, Tel. 0511 552256
- ROWOLD, Gerda, Frisurenstudio, marktstr. 45, 30159 hannover, Tel. 0511 3632000
- ROWOLD, Günter, Lebensm., Uhlhornstr. 1, 30625 Hannover, Tel. 0511 552491
- ROWOLD, Herbert, Friseurmstr., Gernsstr. 13, 30659 Hannover, Tel. 0511 6476375

But even other writings of the name are given as ROWOHLT, ROWOLDT, ROWOLT, ROHWOLT, ROHWOLDT.
The meaning of the name should be always the same, thatwhy all writings and readings are very close to each other.

Linden as a place in Lower Saxony:

Only three out of totaally 60 Linden are given as part of other towns inside Lower-Saxony.
1. Linden as part of Hannover city, 2. Linden as part of Schwienau nearby Uelzen, very little none of the name variations is given in 1998, 3. Linden as part of 38800 Wolfenbüttel, you will find about three ROWOLD in Linden as part of 38300 Wolfenbüttel, but no ROHWOLD.

Best wishes and good luck with Wolfenbüttel

Hans Peter Albers, Bienenbüttel