I would like to find relatives living in Germany . I would appreciate any advice offered.
I recently found my great grandfather Heinrich Edo Baldwin Rohde 1833 living in Tangermuende, and his father, Gottfried Rohde on a film from the Magdeburg area. Gottfried was from Westerausen.
On one of the documents I see Rohden but the n was crossed out. Later I find Baldwin (as we knew his name in the US) using Rohden . I am wondering why the change? All the relatives in the US used Rohden.
Baldwin's wife was Friederike Rosalie Adelheide Buchmann . We knew her as Adelheid. Is there a reason why they would have used their 3rd name ? Was that common practice?
Gottfried's wife was Friederike Kels.
I currently do not have a subscription for Ancestry. I thought a message board might be the next best thing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
Dolores Culbertson