Research on Tolle Family in Goettingen

I am looking for ancestors of Heinrich Augustus (Oskar?) Tolle born 18 November 1789 in Goettingen, Hannover who married Lisette (Elisabeth?) Vogelsang around 1818-1818 with four daughters, Augusta Agnes (5 March 1820), Mathilda (1825?), Elisa (Elise) (1830) and Dorothea Mathilda (21 March 1835/6). Heinrich was a baker and left for New York City USA around 1840 after his bakery was destroyed in civil disorders. His father was a decorated Prussian officer for his actions in the Battle of Waterloo.

If anyone can help me to find more on this family, I will be very grateful.

Laurence L Plate Jr
Great Great Grandson of Henry A. Tolle

this name is in our neck of the woods
only now it is as PLOTE.....
dating back to 1840's
very german area...
many from schaumburg lippe in hannover... with subscribe in subject and in the text....

then post as you have here...
might find some clues...