Research in Winzlar, Hannover


Need help researching the surnames Volker and Frankin from the village of
Winzlar or surrounding areas.

Suzanne Carey
Escondido, California, USA

Hello Suzanne,

if you mean Winzlar, Rehburg-Loccum, parish Bergkirchen, please
tell me further details.

Best regards from Germany, Auhagen near Winzlar/Bergkirchen

Alexandra Blume schrieb:

Hello Alexandra:
How far are you from Rehburg or Schneeren?
My ancestry is from Rehburg and Schneeren.
Doug Plowman
Wisconsin, USA

Hello Doug,

it is ca. 11 kilometers to Rehburg and 20 kilometers to Schneeren.
Do you have a map? The Steinhuder Meer is between Auhagen and

I have some ancestors in Rehburg too. The surnames are: Meyer, Kelbs,
Droste, Lange. In Schneeren I have not ancestors.

At this time I search in the parish from Bergkirchen. Perhaps, can I
help you with something?

Doug Plowman schrieb:

Hi Alexandra:
My ancestors from Rehburg were MACKEBEN. Several Mackeben families
emigrated to America first settling in Illinois and then expanding to Iowa,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, and then out west to Oregon. Illinois was the primary
area. The McHenry County of Illinois which is on the Illinois northern
border to Wisconsin. Most were farmers, some were schulmacher's. The
surnames Meyer and Droste are quite common in Illinois. Many immigrants from
Rehburg area settled in northern Illinois. I have written to evangelical
church in Rehburg and received some information but now I would like to go
back further. My great grandfather Ludwig MACKEBEN geboren Juli, 1865 in
Rehburg. His father verstorben November 1865. Are you permitted to look in
Rehburg kirchebuch for christening, marriage and burial records? I know the
older kirchebuch is in the archives in Hanover, so I am not sure what
records are still at Rehburg?
Did any of your ancestors emigrate to Illinois?

Doug Plowman